More than 4,000 inmates died in BuCor prisons the past 5 years
More than 4,000 inmates died in BuCor prisons the past 5 years
More than 4,000 inmates died in BuCor prisons the past 5 years
by Mika Jenymae Rasing12 July 2024
Photo by BuCor

The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr., revealed on Wednesday that more than 4,000 inmates have died in prisons supervised by BuCor since 2020.

The director general called for the thorough investigation on the deaths concerning Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs), and revealed that the cause of deaths remain unknown for most of the inmates, as there was no autopsy conducted. However, he assured that BuCor seeks transparency in addressing the deaths, adding that they are working together with other offices to speed up the process.

On Thursday, the Declaration of Cooperation to Strengthen Procedures to Investigate Custodial Deaths of Persons Deprived of Liberty was signed by the Department of Justice, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) Country Manager, Daniele Marchesi, and the University of the Philippines (UP).

The agreement ensures that procedures would be in accordance with the standards and practices imposed. Moreover, it guarantees the immediate transfer, both in appropriate and timely manner, of the PDL’s remains who died in BuCor facilities.


Catapang said that he recognized that PDLs should be accorded with utmost respect for their rights and dignity, especially at the time of death.

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