Incoming press secretary eyes accrediting bloggers for Palace press briefings
Incoming press secretary eyes accrediting bloggers for Palace press briefings
Incoming press secretary eyes accrediting bloggers for Palace press briefings
by Christhel Cuazon01 June 2022

Incoming Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) chief Trixie Cruz-Angeles will be pushing for the accreditation of bloggers to attend briefings in Malacañang.

"We are pushing for the accreditation of vloggers to be invited to some of the briefings, especially those conducted by the President-elect," Cruz-Angeles said during a press briefing on Wednesday.

Angeles said Palace briefings may. beheld once or twice a week, or "more if needed."

"The regular once a week are for the updates on pending issues and then possibly a second one if there are issues that need to be addressed immediately. We’re not going to limit it, of course, if it is necessary we will have more briefings but other than that the plan is one or two a week," she said.


Aside from accrediting vloggers, Angeles also added that the incoming PCOO favors opening up discourse and increasing efficiency for state-run broadcasting networks PTV-4 and IBC-13.

"We are looking at opening up discourse, looking at the issue of misinformation because it seems like a hot button nowadays. We are looking at these issues when we prioritize projects for the PCOO," she said.

Meanwhile, Angeles was not able to give an answer when asked if all journalists and media groups will be allowed to physically cover the events that will be attended by President-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

"I think we’ll have to take a look at existing policies first and determine and make a decision later on as to how appropriate they are for the current time. We’ll have to wait and see pending a review of all existing policies regarding the coverage in Malacañang," Angeles said.


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