Gloria Arroyo warns public vs. scammers using her name on social media
Gloria Arroyo warns public vs. scammers using her name on social media
Gloria Arroyo warns public vs. scammers using her name on social media
by Mary Antalan01 December 2023
Photo Courtesy: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Facebook

The office of the former Philippine President and House of Representatives member Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has warned the public against scammers circulating on social media involving her name.

Arroyo's office made the clarification after photos of the former President were circulated on social media, urging the public to protect "survay simulators" and "join savings."

"Please be aware of this false advertisement and misleading picture of "SURVAY SIMULATOR" and "JOIN SAVINGS" which uses the image of Former President and now Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal Arroyo," the office said on Arroyo's Facebook page on Saturday.

"The former president is not connected to any of these certain financial websites and advertisements."

It can be recalled from May this year, when the House approved the AFASA, or Anti-Financial Account Scamming Act, after the Senate's call.

Under House Bill 7393, heavy penalties will be imposed against "large-scale online scams," with a penalty of P1 million to P5 million pesos.

The Chamber warns the public this holiday season, as fraud by cybercriminals will be rampant again, especially in online shopping.

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