CCG re-performs 'dangerous maneuvers' amid PCG's resupply mission
CCG re-performs 'dangerous maneuvers' amid PCG's resupply mission
CCG re-performs 'dangerous maneuvers' amid PCG's resupply mission
by Mary Antalan04 October 2023
Screen grabbed from PCG video

The China Coast Guard (CCG) once again performed "dangerous maneuvers" on the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel on Wednesday, October 4, amid its resupply mission.

According to Christian Maño's report on DZRH Break Time, the initial information from Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri, citing PCG's video, said that CCG blocked the Philippine vessel.

The PCG is on its fourth resupply mission to BRP Sierra Madre, located at Ayungin Shoal.
PCG has not yet confirmed whether the resupply was successful or not.

On August 22, the PCG successfully delivered its supplies to BRP Sierra Madre despite the CCG and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels attempting to "block, harass, and interfere."

Harassments of CCG have been experienced by the Philippine vessel multiple times, such as water cannoning and dangerous maneuvers indicating its claim in the seas.

Ayungin Shoal is a part of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the country, which was already declared in the United Nations' 2016 arbitral ruling.

The Arbitral Tribunal constituted under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention delivered a unanimous decision, which is final and binding on the Philippines and the PRC.

In its ruling, the Tribunal firmly rejected the PRC's expansive South China Sea maritime claims as having no basis in international law.

PCG earlier reported that CCG has installed a 300-meter-long floating barrier at the southeast portion of Bajo de Masinloc (BDM) or Scarborough Shoal, also part of the West Philippine Sea.\

The PCG later removed the said floating barrage upon the national government's approval and directive.

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