NIA Administrator unveils plan for Irrigation, rice crops in PH
NIA Administrator unveils plan for Irrigation, rice crops in PH
NIA Administrator unveils plan for Irrigation, rice crops in PH
by Alessandra C. Frianela15 July 2024

National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Administrator Engr. Eduardo Eddie Guillen shared the current plans that the agency has for the country's irrigation system and rice crop on Monday in a DZRH radio segment.

Administrator Guillen visited DZRH on their 85th Anniversary and tackled the current mission of NIA to make the Philippines a 'self-sufficient in rice' country.

"Happy Anniversary sa DZRH," he said.

He confidently stated that the country can achieve being self-sufficient in rice provided that we alter the cropping intensity that we currently have.


At the present, the country employs two cropping intensity. NIA plans to increase it into three to further incease production without affecting infrastractures. In order, to execute this plan, the agency recognize the need to change the cropping calendar.

“Ang pagnanais natin ngayon [ay] maipasok natin ‘yung dalawang cropping natin sa dalawang dry season para may pangatlo pa tayo sa wet," Guillen said.

Guillen mentioned the Marcos Administration's 'Build Better More' Program that highlights the crossroads of Philippine Agriculture towards the development of the country.

"Dito po natin makikita na ang slogan ng pangulo na 'Build Better More' ay hindi lang sa slogan, kundi talagang tunay po ‘yan," he mentioned


Aside from increasing cropping intensity, NIA also plans to turn flood control projects into water management that will address environmental and societal issues.

Guillen reported that more than 70 percent of water rights of the entire country is under the supervision of NIA. With this, they aim to make it multi-purpose and not for irrigation only.

"Para pwede na ring magsource-out ng bulk water dyan," he said.

Lastly, the Administrator discussed contract farming, an initiative of NIA that aims to provide local farmers with access to markets and support for equipment.


"Nag ani na ang Region IV-B, sunod-sunod na [po] ito. By August, magbebenta na kami ng naani dito sa contract farming," Guillen shared.

The Administrator also mentioned the need for economies of scale production in order for farmers to secure their market. This will also form the farmers into groups.

NIA recognize that the resources from the government are limited. Forming groups and eventually creating cooperatives per town will promote inclusive growth despite the limitation in resources.

"Ang ginagawa ng NIA ngayon ay ginagawa natin silang cooperative per town, yung pagbibigay ng machineries sa kanila, mas marami po ang makikinabang," Guillen said.


Lastly, the ultimate target of NIA is to have rice possessing system per town.

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