President Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos on Tuesday disagreed with the government report stating that the inflation rate in the Philippines have reached 6.1% in June.
"6.1? I think I will have to disagree with that number. We are not that high," Marcos said during his first public briefing as president on Tuesday, July 5.
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) earlier reported that the inflation rate in the country increased to 6.1% — the highest since the 6.9 recorded in October 2018 and November 2018.
According to the Chief Executive, the country's inflation may cross the government's threshold.
"We have crossed the—our targets were less four percent or less. Unfortunately, it looks like we may cross that threshold. Tatawid tayo sa four percent," Marcos added.
Sought for comment on the President’s remark, National Statistician and PSA chief Claire Dennis Mapa said their agency "stands by its report."