LTO to issue physical plastic cards for expired driver's licenses
LTO to issue physical plastic cards for expired driver's licenses
LTO to issue physical plastic cards for expired driver's licenses
by Ellicia Del Mundo05 October 2023
DZRH file phto

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has announced that it will resume the issuance of physical plastic cards for motorists whose driver's licenses have reached expiration.

In a memorandum dated Oct. 3 but released to the media on Oct. 5, LTO said those driver's licenses that expired within the period of April 1, 2023, to Sept. 30, 2023, this year shall receive a renewed plastic card.


The full and complete schedule of renewal can be found in the table below:

Photo courtesy: RH Christian Maño

"Failure of the driver to renew his/her driver's license beyond the prescribed schedule shall render the license expired," the agency noted.

According to the LTO, driver's license plastic cards that were not printed during the April 2023 renewal will be printed also this October.

The agency said that a "separate memorandum for the bulk printing for DL renewed for the succeeding period from May 1 to Sept. 30 shall be issued after a sufficient volume of plastic cards has been delivered."


It can be recalled that in April, LTO experienced a shortage of plastic used nationwide which prompted them to print driver's licenses on paper with a unique Quick Response (QR) code.

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