LTFRB launches campaign vs. harrasments inside PUVs
LTFRB launches campaign vs. harrasments inside PUVs
LTFRB launches campaign vs. harrasments inside PUVs
by Mary Antalan23 September 2023
Photo Courtesy: Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board FB

The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) launched a campaign on Friday, September 22, against different forms of harassment inside public utility vehicles (PUVs).

This is in accordance with Republic Act No. 11313, or the Safe Spaces Act (Bawal ang Bastos Law), which aims to address the large percentage of violence or gender-based sexual harassment recorded in public places, such as those experienced by commuters, even operators or drivers inside and outside public vehicles.

Among those who led the short program conducted at the LTFRB Central Office were LTFRB Chairperson Atty. Teofilo Guadiz III, Board Member Atty. Mercy Jane Paras-Leynes, Executive Director, Atty. Robert Peig, Deputy Executive Director for Operations of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), Ms. Maria Kristine Josefina Balmes, and Officer-in-Charge of the Gender Equality and Women's Human Rights Center Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Atty. Twyla Rubin.

Various regional directors of Regional Franchising and Regulatory Offices (RFROs) and stakeholders or operators of public vehicles also attended the program to observe the launch of the said campaign.


A PUV driver, operator, or conductor who is found guilty of violating the Safe Spaces Act will face a $5,000 fine and a six-month suspension.

The Safe Spaces Act was signed on 2017 by Former President Rodrigo Duterte during his term.

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