Comelec to implement ‘money ban’ for BSKE 2023
Comelec to implement ‘money ban’ for BSKE 2023
Comelec to implement ‘money ban’ for BSKE 2023
by Daylight Abas22 August 2023
Photo Courtesy: COMELEC Facebook

As the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Election 2023 approaches, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) announced on Tuesday that it will implement a money ban to discourage "presumed" vote buying and selling.

According to Comelec Chairperson George Garcia, they will restrict the carrying of P500,000 during the campaign period, which is also the frequent time for vote-buying.

With the exception of people whose occupations require them to carry money, Garcia stated that they must show a corporate card to establish their work.

He also stated that checkpoints would be set up for the money ban, saying that the money ban was enacted in 2015 but only covered cash withdrawals.

Violators might face a prison sentence ranging from one to six years. Garcia said the poll body has already observed the early campaigning, and he noted that posters with no "vote for" lines that clearly notify people about them are already on display.

He urged people to file complaints against candidates who will campaign before the official campaign period begins on October 19.

During the briefing for BSKE 2023, Comelec said the "presumed" acts of vote buying and selling are as follows:

  • possessing or delivering any coins, notes, monies, cards, pay envelopes, bags, groceries, tokens, or anything of value, with sample ballots or other campaign materials in favor of or against a candidate;
  • offering or promising something of value in consideration for someone's vote;
  • long lines or queues of registered voters or persons for the distribution of money, discounts, grocery items, and other goods to induce the persons to vote for or against a candidate or group;
  • house-to-house election campaign, which involves the giving of money, discount cards, grocery items, and such other goods to induce the people to vote for or against a candidate or group;
  • holding bingo games, talent shows, or other similar activities that involve the distribution of prizes by the candidates or their supporters or by any person in which the names of the candidates are mentioned and their photos are displayed;
  • employing the "hakot" system, or the gathering of two or more registered voters to a specific place before election day and on election day, for the purpose of distributing money or anything of value and/or sample filled-out ballots;
  • causing the splitting of the amount of at least P20,000.00 into smaller denominations of P100.00, P50.00, or P20.00 during the period of five days before election day and on election day, except when necessary to or in connection with the occupation or business of the possessor;
  • conducting medical missions, legal aid services, feeding programs, or any caravan offering any or all of these services in a certain barangay or locality, in which the names of the candidates are mentioned and their photos are displayed;
  • giving, distributing, and receiving any assistance or ayuda except those which are normally given to qualified individuals, such as but not limited to basic needs in the form of food, transportation, medical, education, burial, and such other similar assistance, during the campaign period, day before election day, and election day;
  • hiring or appointing more than two (2) watchers per precinct per candidate, who shall serve alternately;
  • possessing on election day indelible ink or any chemical that may remove indelible ink, such as but not limited to acetone, nail polish remover, or paint thinner, except when necessary to the occupation of the possessor and those authorized by the Commission; and
  • possessing blank original ballots during election day, except those authorized by the Commission.

Meanwhile, the BSKE 2023 is set to happen in October 2023.

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