BuCor adjusts training course for technical professionals
BuCor adjusts training course for technical professionals
BuCor adjusts training course for technical professionals
by Kristan Carag09 August 2024
Photo by DZRH Noche Cacas

The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) made modifications to the training courses of the agency in order to attract more recruits for highly technical professions.

BuCor Director General Gregorio Catapang ordered the modificiations due to the agency experiencing a shortage of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, teachers, guidance counselors, priests and other highly technical professionals.

Catapang mentioned that BuCor only has 10 doctors, and one of them will retire at the end of 2024 while two will more will leave the bureau in 2025.

The adjustments made by the agency include shortening the training period of applicants with highly technical qualifications from six months to 45 days.


Catapang also said that their training will only be limited to the executive training course and will no longer include tedious physical activities.

The BuCor chief also announced that recruits will no longer need to sport military haircuts as part of the requirements.

"Natatakot kasi ang mga applikante na mag apply kasi takot sila sa physical training, at syempre ayaw nila mag pa haircut," Catapang said.

(Applicants are afraid to apply because they are frightened by the physical training and, of course, they do not want to have a haircut)

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