Run with a purpose: Anne Curtis finishes Tokyo Marathon 2023
Run with a purpose: Anne Curtis finishes Tokyo Marathon 2023
Run with a purpose: Anne Curtis finishes Tokyo Marathon 2023
by Ellicia Del Mundo06 March 2023
Photo courtesy: Anne Curtis / Instagram

Television host and actress Anne Curtis-Smith is officially a Tokyo Marathon 2023 finisher!

In an Instagram post on Sunday, Anne shared some snaps of herself after finishing the 32-kilometer run at the Tokyo Marathon 2023, an annual sports event known for being one of the most difficult marathons in the world.

Anne said she ran to raise funds for children who have been victims of abuse, violence, and exploitation.

“Every single kilometre was worth it, knowing I was running to help Filipino children heal and recover through the funds WE (yes, this includes every single one of you that donated) raised together,” she said.


“Being a mother, now as well, I couldn’t help but get emotional when I crossed that finish line. It just hit a little differently this time around,” Anne added.

The 38-year-old actress said she got motivated by running with a purpose greater than merely winning a medal.

“Right now, we have gone beyond our target in just 2 weeks… and as long as you keep donating for the next 30 days, I will match whatever the final amount ends up being. So we can help more children receive the services they need,” she said.

Last month, Anne shared that she has been meaning to join the marathon since 2019 but has been deferred due to her pregnancy.


The TV actress has trained for two months. This is Anne's third marathon.

In 2018, she finished a 20-kilometer run at the London Marathon and dedicated her win to the children of UNICEF Philippines, particularly those who were affected by the Marawi war.

Congratulations, Anne!

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