When it comes to culture and traditions, Filipinos are undeniably appreciative; it is typical for Pinoys to celebrate all types of holidays and special occasions.
Moreover, Filipinos are popularly known to have the best celebrations, especially when food, family, and a special someone gather around to celebrate together, and Valentine's Day is no exception.
Celebrating love month has many possible reasons for being a big part of Filipino culture.
Since the Philippines is known for having the longest Christmas season around the globe, Valentine's Day, of course, is one of the biggest holidays to celebrate as it is one of the most commercialized holidays in the country.
Filipinos would definitely go extra and plan to celebrate the love season with the people they love.
Do you even know that the word "love" is mentioned in the Philippine Constitution?
When you read the preamble in the Philippine Constitution of 1987, the word "love" is written in there—the only preamble in the world that has the magical word.
It reads: "We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution."
With just a simple word, it only justifies that "love" is legally recognized, which is why Filipinos give more importance to love.
Lastly, Filipinos are in touch with their emotions, so when it comes to expressing their feelings to someone they like, Filipinos are at the top of the list.
For Filipinos, Valentine's Day serves as their opportunity to confess what they feel to someone and start courting them.
Back then, the traditional Filipino way to court someone was through "harana," or serenade, or performing a traditional love song, or "kundiman," as a way of expressing their love.
These days, original Philippine music (OPM) is also set to be used for confession.
Pinoys believe in observing all special occasions, such as Valentine's Day, and whatever the occasion may be, Filipinos love to celebrate it because commemorating the day means having something to anticipate.