LTFRB urged to probe "make an offer" scheme of ride-hailing app inDrive
LTFRB urged to probe "make an offer" scheme of ride-hailing app inDrive
LTFRB urged to probe "make an offer" scheme of ride-hailing app inDrive
by Ellicia Del Mundo15 January 2024

The Lawyers for Commuters Safety and Protection (LCSP) on Monday, January 15, urged the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) to probe the "make an offer" scheme of international ride-hailing application inDrive.

In a letter obtained by RH Val Gonzales, LCSP National President Antonio Enrile Inton Jr. said they received complaints from commuters that InDRIVE drivers counter the offered fare and refuse to convey commuters if fare negotiations failed.

"We believe that if this is true, such MAKE AN OFFER scheme is contrary to the fare regulation of LTFRB governing TNVS [Transportation Network Vehicle Service], resulting to franchise violations such as contracting passengers, overcharging, and if booking declined unjustified refusal to convey passenger," he said.

Inton Jr. asked LTFRB chairman Teofilo 'Jojo' Guadiz III to address the issue and summon the RL Soft Corp., the operator of iNDRIVE, in a hearing.


"We are willing to attend a hearing if the Board will find it necessary to issue a show cause order regarding this so we can present witnesses and other evidence," the LCSP President furthered.

In a screen video recording obtained by Gonzales, it could be seen that a passenger tried to book a ride in the inDRIVE app that cost P440. But offers from various drivers then flooded the app's screen, with fares ranging from P470, P510, to P550.

It would be up to the passenger on what offer he or she would accept.

In a Facebook post, LCSP underscored that the LTFRB should strictly implement the no overcharging and contracting of TNVS and TNC just as it did to taxis.


"Di ba't sa taxi ay ayaw na ayaw ng pasahero ang ganitong sistema ng pangongontrata. Dapat gamitin at sundin ang metro. Kapag hindi contacting passenger yan. At pagnagkasundo sa pangongontrata ay malimit overcharging. Kapag tinangigan ng taxi driver ang pasahero yan ay refusal to convey passenger. Kung istriktong pinatutupad ito sa mga taxi dapat lamang na istrkto rin ipatupad ito sa mga TNVS at TNC," it said.

"Walang pangongontrata, pasahe labag sa fare matrix at pagtanggi sa pasahero dahil sa mas mataas na pasahe," LCSP added.

It stressed that RL Soft Corp. should be penalized once proven that its ride-hailing app violated the LTFRB rules.


In December 2023, inDRIVE reportedly secured accreditation from the LTFRB, and became one of Grab's main competitor.

inDRIVE reportedly first piloted its operations in provinces such as Bacolod, Baguio, Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro, and Butuan.

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