SWS: 34% of Pinoys believe their lives got better in 2022
SWS: 34% of Pinoys believe their lives got better in 2022
SWS: 34% of Pinoys believe their lives got better in 2022
by Ellicia Del Mundo26 January 2023
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At least 34 percent of Filipino adults believe that their quality of life got better in 2022 as compared to 2021, according to the latest poll by the Social Weather Stations (SWS).

The survey, conducted from December 10 to 14, also found that 26 percent of Pinoys said their life got worse while 39 percent said it stayed the same or nothing has changed from the previous year.

According to SWS, the December net gainer score rose from the "fair levels of net zero in October 2022 and -2 in June 2022 and April 2022."

The net gainer score results were computed by subtracting the percentage of those who said their life got worse and better.


"The 8-point rise in the national Net Gainer score between October 2022 and December 2022 was due to increases in all areas, especially in Mindanao," it said.

The net gainer is "very high" in Metro Manila with +18 net, followed by Balance Luzon with +10, and Mindanao with +10.

Meanwhile, the net gainer in the Visayas region was "fair" at -4.

The same survey also discovered that net gainers were "very high" or +10 for families who do not experience hunger.


Meanwhile, the net gainer was "fair" for Pinoy families who experience overall hunger and moderate hunger.

On the other hand, severely hungry families had the "lowest" net gainer.

The December SWS conducted face-to-face interviews with 1,200 adults aged 18 years old and above.

About 300 individuals participated each in Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao.

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