NGCP puts Luzon Grid on Yellow, Red alert status on Monday
NGCP puts Luzon Grid on Yellow, Red alert status on Monday
NGCP puts Luzon Grid on Yellow, Red alert status on Monday
by Mary Antalan27 May 2024
Photo form NGCP

The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) announced that the Luzon grid will be placed under yellow and red alert status on Monday, May 27.

Based on its latest advisory, the NGCP said the red alert status will take effect from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

The yellow alert will take effect from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM.

Luzon grid's available capacity is 12,326 megawatts, however, it has a peak demand of 11,455 megawatts.


"3 plants have been on forced outage since 2023, 2 between January and March 2024, and 15 power plants between April and May 2024; while 3 are running on derated capacities, for a total of 4,497.3MW unavailable to the grid," said the NGCP.

According to NGCP, several factors contributed to the raising of red and yellow alert, particularly:

1. 25 May and 26 May - Forced outage of the following plants due to TY Aghon: Ilijan (600MW), Pagbilao 1 (382MW), 2 (382MW), & 3 (420MW), SBPL (455MW)
2. 26 May - Forced outage of Masinloc 3 (335MW) due to boiler feed water trouble
3. 16 May - Forced outage of QPPL (460MW) due to broken spring support of turbine combine reheat valve
4. Deration of the following plants: Sual 1, Calaca 2, Masinloc 1

Meanwhile, the Visayas and Mindanao grids are reportedly in normal condition.


A red alert status is issued when the power supply is insufficient to meet consumer demand and the transmission grid’s regulating requirement.

A yellow alert is issued when the operating margin is insufficient to meet the transmission grid’s contingency requirement.

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