In a statement posted on its Facebook page, the fast-food company said it will close down its Jollibee Bonifacio-Stop Over branch for 3 days starting Thursday to thoroughly review its compliance with procedures and retrain its personnel to ensure that a similar incident will not happen again.
"Jollibee has carefully developed and complied with food preparation systems to ensure that we deliver excellent quality products and customer satisfaction. We will continue to endeavor to deliver on the high standards we have set for ourselves and franchisees," it said.
A post by Facebook user Alique Perez on Wednesday made rounds on social media wherein she shared her experience of ordering fried chicken via a food delivery service app, only to receive a towel coated in breading and deep-fried.
"This is really disturbing... How the hell do you get the towel in the batter and even fry it!?!? Yung totoo," she wrote.