INNOTECH gathers country reps to explore teacher motivation in Southeast Asia
INNOTECH gathers country reps to explore teacher motivation in Southeast Asia
INNOTECH gathers country reps to explore teacher motivation in Southeast Asia
by DZRH News25 September 2023
Photo courtesy: SEAMEO INNOTECH

Delegates from 10 Southeast Asian nations, including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam, recently convened for a groundbreaking 2-day regional research forum aimed at developing the Southeast Asian Framework for Motivating Teachers to Stay in the Profession.

The event, organized by SEAMEO INNOTECH, witnessed a collaborative effort of various SEAMEO Centers and Ministries of Education to delve into the factors that drive teacher motivation across the region.

SEAMEO INNOTECH had previously conducted a Teacher Motivation study in the Philippines as technical assistance to the Department of Education (DepEd).

This documented the key factors influencing teachers' decisions to enter and stay in the profession, as well as potential reasons for leaving.


To expand on this research, INNOTECH is currently conducting a study on teacher motivations across Southeast Asia, aiming to develop a per country framework that predicts the motivations of teachers in the region.

Prior to the conduct of the Regional Research Forum, they made significant contributions by gathering teacher contexts and policies related to staying in the teaching profession and conducting interviews with teachers.

The forum culminated with a closing message by SEAMEO INNOTECH Center Director and former Philippine DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis-Briones.

She shared her initial motivation for the research, which was to understand why Filipinos choose teaching as a profession, why they remain in the profession, and what drives some to eventually leave.


“INNOTECH recognizes the key role of teachers in improving the quality of education and enhancing student achievement and learning outcomes. The insightful study conducted in the Philippines served as the catalyst for expanding this research to encompass other Southeast Asian countries,” said Briones.

The forum was held last September 19-20 2023 at the SEAMEO INNOTECH Pearl Hall, in Quezon City, Philippines.

The first day of the forum was also streamed live today, September 25 on the Center's official YouTube channel and Facebook page, allowing a wider audience to gain insights into the discussions and presentations.

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