Three Luzon dams release excess water after levels near normal high
Three Luzon dams release excess water after levels near normal high
Three Luzon dams release excess water after levels near normal high
by Ellicia Del Mundo03 September 2023

Three major dams in Luzon respectively opened their floodgates after their reservoir water level drew near the normal high water levels (NHWL) due to the rains brought by the enhanced southwest monsoon.

According to PAGASA’s dam monitoring on Sunday, Ipo Dam, Ambuklao Dam, and Binga Dam have been discharging excess water since 6 AM.

It said the water level of Binga Dam, which is located at the municipality of Itogon in Benguet, is at 573 meters and is nearing the 575 meters NHWL.

Six floodgates of Binga Dam are now open at 3.3 meters each.


Meanwhile, Ambuklao Dam, situated in the municipality of Bokod, Benguet, registered at 751.53 meters water level.

Ambuklao Dam is close in reaching above the 752 meters NHWL. Thus, five floodgates are open at 2.50 meters each.

Alongside, the water level in Ipo Dam reached 101.07 meters water level, surpassing the 101 NHWL.

One floodgate in Ipo Dam is open at 0.15 meters.


Ipo Dam is located in Norgazaray, Bulacan.

Photo courtesy: PAGASA website

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