The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is already investigating the reported disappearance of two environmentalists in Orion, Bataan, on September 2.
The CHR’s quick response team will assist in searching for Jonila Castor and Jhed Tamano, who were allegedly abducted while conducting research on the effect of reclamation in Manila Bay on the livelihood of the fisherfolk in Orion town.
It said that it has already dispatched a quick response operation through its office in Region 3 to investigate the case.
Moreover, the CHR called for immediate and exhaustive efforts from law enforcement agencies to search for the missing young environmentalists.
As such, the agency encouraged those who have knowledge about the incident to cooperate with them in the investigation to determine the location of Castro and Tamano.
According to the statement of AKAP KA Manila Bay, the students also experienced harassment, prior to the kidnapping.
With the commission’s protection mandate, it probes any suspected case of enforced disappearance, saying that crucial resources are maximized to immediately find the young activists.
Meanwhile, such illegal arrests are severe human rights violations, punishable under Republic Act 10353, or the "Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act of 2012."