'Walang gamot sa kakapalan ng mukha mo' Imee Marcos goes blunt to Romualdez
'Walang gamot sa kakapalan ng mukha mo' Imee Marcos goes blunt to Romualdez
'Walang gamot sa kakapalan ng mukha mo' Imee Marcos goes blunt to Romualdez
by Mary Antalan30 January 2024

Senator Imee Marcos on Tuesday, January 30, has gone blunt to her cousin, House Speaker Martin Romualdez, saying there is no cure for his shamelessness.

The Senator's anger was rooted in reports that the House Speaker was allegedly involved in the controversial paid signature drive to push the People's Initiative (PI) for Charter-change.

“Ang sinuman ang nagsabi na walang pake ang Senado sa usaping ito [people’s initiative for charter change], isa lang ang masasabi ko—walang gamot sa kakapalan ng mukha mo,” Senator Imee Marcos said.


It can be recalled that during a surprise press conference last Friday, Romualdez urged the Senate to focus on their work and stop hitting on Congress.

“‘Wag nang ma-distract dito sa PI, wala kayong pakialam sa PI. ‘Yung PI, trabaho na ‘yan ng taumbayan... Trabahuhin natin ‘yung legislation—PI, hindi ‘yan legislation,” he said.

On Tuesday, Romualdez responded to Marcos' spicy words, saying her statement reflects a passionate stance on issues they both care deeply about.

He said the senator should avoid making disrespectful statements publicly, saying that this is not a good example for the youth.


“Hindi po kailangan ng bastusan (There’s no need to be rude),” Romualdez said.

“I am open to engaging in meaningful discussions with Senator Marcos to address any concerns and work together for the betterment of our country,” he furthered.

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