This Pride Month, love wins for Thailand as it sets to become the first ASEAN country to legalize same-sex marriage
This Pride Month, love wins for Thailand as it sets to become the first ASEAN country to legalize same-sex marriage
This Pride Month, love wins for Thailand as it sets to become the first ASEAN country to legalize same-sex marriage
by Mika Jenymae Rasing19 June 2024
Move Forward Party (MPF) parliamentary members and interns pose in presser for the final senatorial vote on the same sex marriage bill at the Thai Parliament in Bangkok on June 18, 2024. AFP PHOTO

After more than two decades, Thailand becomes a first for the Southeast Asian nation to legalize same-sex marriage following the kingdom’s senate approval of the Marriage Equality Bill on Tuesday.

With 130 senators voting in favor of passing the bill, only four members opposed, while 18 abstained. The positive outcome for its supporters considers the bill as a “monumental step forward for LGBTQ+ rights in Thailand.” The bill allows for couples of the LGBTQ+ community to have the same rights as heterosexual couples, including the right to inheritance, adoption, and healthcare decision-making.

It would not only grant these, but also make room for acceptance and inclusion in the community, inspiring the younger generation to live their lives authentically. Thailand will be the third country in Asia to recognize marriage equality, along with Taiwan and Nepal.

The law will be signed by the royal and will be enacted 120 days after its publication in the Royal Gazette.

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