Southern Police District debunks report that 3 inmates escaped in Makati
Southern Police District debunks report that 3 inmates escaped in Makati
Southern Police District debunks report that 3 inmates escaped in Makati
by Mary Antalan21 February 2024

The Southern Police District (SPD) on Wednesday, February 21, debunked the reported incident that three detainees in Makati have escaped prison.

The claim was made after an audio recording and a text message circulated saying three inmates facing charges of rape, homicide, and murder allegedly escaped.

"Upon thorough investigation and validation of the information, the SPD can confirm that there is no credible evidence or official record supporting the reported escape," the SPD said in a statement.

"The SMS message circulated, warning residents in the area of Guadalupe and EMBO, appears to be based on unverified information," it added.


Along with the cooperation of SOCO Team Makati, Guadalupe Nuevo Sub Station, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Makati City, and La Paz Custodial Facility, the SPD said "no incident of a prison break, and all detainees are accounted for."

The "fake news" made the SPD urge the public to remain vigilant and rely on verified information from official sources.

Meanwhile, the SPD assured that the public's safety is always their priority.

"Rest assured, our officers are actively monitoring the situation, and any updates or developments will be communicated promptly," it noted.

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