Shopee Introduces Audio and Video Call Feature on Shopee Live
Shopee Introduces Audio and Video Call Feature on Shopee Live
Shopee Introduces Audio and Video Call Feature on Shopee Live
by DZRH News02 November 2021

Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan continues to push the boundaries in order to provide a maximum online shopping experience to its consumers.

And as we approach the biggest holiday sales of the year, Shopee’s 11.11-12.12 Big Christmas Sale, the e-commerce platform is introducing the “Livestream call” feature on Shopee Live.

This will enhance the customers’ shopping experience plus will beef up engagement during the live session.

With the introduction of Livestream call, sellers can entertain queries and or comments via audio and or video call, live.

Shopee Live has been the sellers’ main platform in reaching out to a wider range of customers. And because of the pandemic, Shopee continues to find ways on how to further help local MSMEs adapt to the evolving global retail landscape, not to mention continue running their business.

According to Martin Yu, director at Shopee Philippines, “the needs of our sellers are always evolving, and we are committed to providing the necessary tools for them to improve their methods of engaging with shoppers.”

Aside from the live stream call, Shopee already launched several initiatives that aim to further improve the overall e-commerce experience for sellers and shoppers. Some of these include rolling out the co-streaming feature which allowed live stream hosts to co-stream with one of their viewers for a more interactive streaming session, the live stream Flash Sale which helps sellers gain more viewers and boost their sales during streaming sessions, and the in-app business insights feature which gives the live streamers access to the number of unique and total views, tola likes, and confirmed orders from the live stream, among others.

Shopee’s 11.11-12.12 Big Christmas Sale is now ongoing and will last until Dec.12, 2021

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