SC slams rumors on AI checker for 2023 Bar examinations
SC slams rumors on AI checker for 2023 Bar examinations
SC slams rumors on AI checker for 2023 Bar examinations
by Daylight Abas24 September 2023
Photo courtesy: Philippine Supreme Court Public Information Office / Twitter

The Supreme Court (SC) has slammed the rumors circulating on social media that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be used to check this year’s Bar examinations.

In a statement issued on Saturday, SC condemned the social media publications as “false, baseless, irresponsible, defamatory, contumacious, detestable, and formulated with apparent intent to erode the integrity of the digitalized Bar Examinations.”

It is referring to the information traced from a Facebook group page called “Bar Law for Dummies Training Program” from an account named Tsidkenu Dizon.

The SC said that the 2023 Bar Examinations will be checked by four examiners per subject, all of whom are established experts in their respective fields.

Furthermore, the higher court said it is currently taking appropriate action against the poster, and cooperating with the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to conduct a criminal inquiry into the activities and questionable circumstances surrounding this individual.

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