No special treatment in releasing clearances for presidential appointees - Ombudsman
No special treatment in releasing clearances for presidential appointees - Ombudsman
No special treatment in releasing clearances for presidential appointees - Ombudsman
by Ellicia Del Mundo07 February 2024

Ombudsman Samuel Martires assured on Wednesday, January 7, that all presidential appointees applying for clearances would not receive special treatment.

Interviewed during DZRH Dos Por Dos, Martires said they would only prioritize the release of clearances to government officials who are retiring.

"We will not give special treatment to those who are applying for clearances na ang dahilan ay requirements ng PMS [Presidential Management Staff]. Maliban sa mga nagre-retire, dumagdag ito kaya nag-balloon kami. Kung dadagdag pa itong sa requirements ng PMS, wala akong magagawa," he said.

PMS reportedly released a memorandum circular dated February 2 directing all appointees in government offices, government-owned and controlled corporations, state universities and colleges, and government financial institutions to submit updated information data sheets and clearances from the National Bureau of Investigation, Civil Service Commission, Ombudsman, and Sandiganbayan.


All presidential appointees must submit the documents within 30 days.

According to the Ombudsman, PMS' new requirement drove the uptrend of clearance requests in their central office as well as in Visayas office to 4,000.

Martires estimated that clearances might be released in June, noting that they cannot force themselves to issue clearances hastily.

"Hindi namin problema 'yon [compliance period]. Problema ito ng appointees at PMS. We cannot force ourselves to issue clearances para lang sa requirements na ito. We cannot do that," he said.


Presidential Communications Office Secretary Cheloy Garafil has said that the submission of updated documents is "part of performance review" to ensure that presidential appointees remain qualified to sit in office.

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