The Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University System (PUP OUS) is offering parents to study from home and pursue their academic goals.
The offer extends to a variety of residents, including parents, people in remote areas, and adult learners who aim to continue their undergraduate studies.
The four-year Bachelor's Degrees under the PUP OUS are:
- Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA)
- Bachelor of Public Administration Major in Fiscal Administration (BPAFM)
- Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting (BABR)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management (BSBAMM)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Management (BSBAHRM)
- Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BSENTREP)
- Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA)
- Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM)
Those who are interested may apply through the College Admission Evaluation (CAEPUPOUS) or the College Entrance Examination Test (PUPCETOUS).
Eligible students under CAEPUPOUS are college undergraduates, students with two to three diploma courses, those from technical schools, and TESDA graduates and undergraduates.
Meanwhile, those applying through PUPCETOUS should be Grade 12 students who are expected to graduate at the end of AY 2023-2024; and graduates from K 12 pilot schools who have not enrolled in any technical/diploma/degree programs after graduation with a GWA of not lower than 82%.
Also included are passers of PEPT/ALS or NFEA&E Program following DepEd regulations and high school graduates.
The enrollment for PUPOUS runs from Feb. 14 to April 30, 2024.