PNP to respond to 911 calls within 3 minutes
PNP to respond to 911 calls within 3 minutes
PNP to respond to 911 calls within 3 minutes
by Jim Fernandez19 August 2024
Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Police General Rommel Francisco Marbil issuing instructions for rapid 911 responses. Photo courtesy of the PNP/FACEBOOK

Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief PGEN Rommel Francisco Marbil mandated a 3-minute response time for all calls to emergency hotline 911 in a move to improve public safety, especially in "the most vulnerable" communities.

"Every Filipino deserves quick and efficient police response, regardless of their location or status. The revitalized 911 hotline is not just a technological improvement; it is a crucial component of our mission to make every community feel secure and supported by the PNP," said the police chief on Sunday, August 18.

Marbil emphasized that the "highest degree of urgency and professionalism" must be exercised by PNP officers in responding to emergency calls.

"Our citizens rely on us during emergencies, and we have to ensure that every 911 call is met with the swift and effective response it deserves. This directive is more than just a procedural requirement—it reflects our unwavering commitment to serve and protect the Filipino people, ensuring peace and safety across the nation," he continued.


Acknowledging the 911 service's effectivity would be impacted by the public's "good judgement" and "cooperation," he advised Filipinos to use it "responsibly."

To conclude his directive, Marbil maintained that the national police was dedicated to pursuing improvement, and

The national police is committed to pursuing development, Marbil maintained as he concluded his directive. He recognized the "revitalized" E911 system devised to streamline responses was a "critical step" in ensuring officers are more "responsive and dependable."

The Davao City Police Office (DCPO) have proven this possible. Its Acting Director PCOL Hansel Marantan reported having been able to arrest three suspects involved in a stabbing incident within two minutes, which they attributed to the 3-Minute Response Time (MRT) program implemented by Police Regional Office 11 Director Police Brig. Gen. Nicolas Torre III.

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