The Movies and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) Chairperson Diorella Maria "Lala" Sotto-Antonio, defended the board’s decision to give films like Alipato at Muog and Dear Satan an X rating, upon its initial review.
On Tuesday, September 3, the budget hearing on the Committee on Finance Subcommittee O, discussed the agency’s proposed budget and past activities. During the discussion, one of the mentioned concerns was the X rating for Alipato at Muog, a documentary film that premiered at the Cinemalaya Film Festival.
Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada inquired on MTRCB’s verdict on the film, as film groups and the director, have recently appealed to the agency for a second review. He furthered that in the country’s creative industry, the freedom of self-expression and people’s right to know are more important than that of the state’s self-image.
On the Alipato at Muog rating
“We all know that freedom of expression is not absolute nor limitless that is why there is a law in place. That is why there exists the MTRCB, that is why we have the Presidential Decree of 1986 to follow; because there is a law. Laws and rules are important to put an order,” MTRCB Chief Lala Sotto-Antonio said.
She confirmed that during its first review, the film was given an X rating and was not allowed for a public exhibition based on the judgement of the review committee. However, an exemption permit was given to them, per the request of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) for the Cinemalaya Film Festival.
She stressed that the exemption permit was only for the film festival. The film crew had also conducted academic film showings, which they did not prohibit.
“That is not curtailing freedom of expression. We have a law to follow. It has been found to be violative, and we have indicated already that the reason why it was X; it is the Section 3c 2 of PD 1986, or Section 1 FE of the IRR to the PD1986,” she said.
“In the judgement of the board, the film tends to undermine the faith and confidence of the people in their government or duly constituted authorities. Therefore, the first review committee rated it X. However, they have already applied for (a) second review and they are scheduled to be reviewed by another review committee comprised of five board members on September 5,” the MTRCB Chief added.
MTRCB on the Dear Satan film
When asked about the other X-rated film, Dear Satan, she noted the different depiction of Satan having a change of heart.
“No it is not demonic but it has a different depiction of Satan becoming good. Satan will never ever be good,” the MTRCB Chief said.
She also mentioned that the crew changed the title and appealed for a change in rating. However, she stressed that she can only execute the decision of the board.
“The chairperson of the board does not have the unilateral power to modify, downgrade, reverse, the decision of the review committee when they have already reviewed a particular material,” she said.
All 31 board members review the movies with the eight-hour running time and decide according to what the majority voted on. The MTRCB Chief also said that three people would vote during the first review, while five people would judge in the second review.
Once they have decided, the board will discuss it and come up with one report.