Aliwan Fiesta 2024
Mount Fuji safeguards world heritage preservation; new measure for crowd control announced
Mount Fuji safeguards world heritage preservation; new measure for crowd control announced
Mount Fuji safeguards world heritage preservation; new measure for crowd control announced
by Mika Jenymae Rasing03 July 2024
Photo by Armin Forster from Pixabay

Japan’s spiritual landmark, Mount Fuji, began with the implementation of entrance fees for tourists and hikers this climbing season to combat overcrowding on the mountain trails.

Local authorities made the announcement adjacent to the beginning of the climbing season on Monday. As the Yoshida Trail in Yamanashi Prefecture opens, an entrance fee of ¥2,000 will be charged to hikers before the start of their hike. Payment will be collected at the 5th station near the trail’s entrance.

Wristbands would be given to guests shortly after, to get access to the temporary gate for this year’s climbing season. However, only 4,000 climbers would be permitted to climb each day, as personnel would be monitoring the entry from 3:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Still, the limitation on visitors would not apply to those with reservations for mountain huts.

Updates on the number of climbs would be provided for through the official communication channels.


In 2013, Mount Fuji was designated as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. Since then, tourism has greatly intensified in Japan and tourists flock to see the wonder of the iconic landmark.

The execution of the new directive aligns with the complaints that authorities have previously been informed of. They addressed the challenges that over-tourism brought namely: overcrowding in the summit and the environmental impact of littering.

With the funds accumulated from the entrance fees, Mout Fuji’s cultural significance and natural environment would continuously be protected and improved.

Climbing season of the three remaining trails on the Shizuoka Prefecture is set to begin on July 10 and will be open until the 10th of September this year.

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