Slow lava flow on Mayon Volcano continues — Phivolcs
Slow lava flow on Mayon Volcano continues — Phivolcs
Slow lava flow on Mayon Volcano continues — Phivolcs
by Mhillen Nicole Borja18 June 2023
Photo Courtesy: Lemensquare Photography

The state seismologist on Sunday said that Mayon Volcano continues to effuse a very slow lava flow and its seismicity has heightened.

In its bulletin issued at 8 AM, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) observed that volcano's lava flow has extended up to a maximum length of 1.5 kilometers, causing collapses on Mi-isi and Bonga Gullies, which are located approximately 3.3 kilometers away from the crater.

In addition to the volcanic eruption, the seismic activity around Mayon Volcano has intensified. Monitoring systems have recorded 3 volcanic earthquakes, along with 274 rockfall events and 11 pyroclastic density current (PDC) events.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions were measured at a flux of 1004 tonnes per day since June 17.


A plume originating from Mayon Volcano has reached a height of approximately 100 meters, exhibiting a moderate emission rate and a general west drift.

Furthermore, ground deformation studies have revealed that the volcano's edifice is currently experiencing inflation.

In light of the ongoing lava flow and heightened seismicity, authorities emphasized the importance of adhering to safety protocols.


Entry into the 6-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) remains strictly prohibited, and flying any aircraft in close proximity to the volcano is strictly forbidden to ensure the safety of air traffic.

Residents and visitors near Mayon Volcano are urged to remain vigilant and familiarize themselves with the potential hazards associated with volcanic activity.

These hazards include rockfalls, landslides, avalanches, ballistic fragments, lava flows and fountaining, pyroclastic density currents, moderate-sized explosions, and lahars during heavy and prolonged rainfall.

Phivolcs ontinues to closely monitor the situation at Mayon Volcano and will provide regular updates as the eruption progresses.


The agency plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of the communities residing near the volcano.

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