MANILA – The Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industries Philippines, Inc. (MCCI) underlined the critical goal of elevating the country’s ease of doing business ranking through discussions and implementing strategies with stakeholders and the Philippine government.
In his opening remarks during the MCCI 2nd General Membership Meeting in Makati City, Chairman Edward Ling underlined the importance of elevating the country’s ease of doing business ranking and emphasized the group’s steadfast commitment to reducing red tape, streamlining procedures and empowering government services.
Ling also mentioned plans of the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) committee, led by MCCI, to work closely together with foreign chambers in the country, the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) and the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to ensure ease of doing business in the Philippines.
“MCCI will lead the EODB committee and work together with other foreign chambers for a better ease of doing business,” Ling said.
“We are dedicated to working closely with ARTA, and other government agencies to simplify processes and enhance the overall business experience in the country”, he added.
During the meeting, ARTA Secretary Ernesto V. Perez underscored the significance and role of the ARTA Champion, emphasizing the “strengthened partnership between MCCI and ARTA” following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on September 7, 2023, enabling MCCI to receive and coordinate complaints with ARTA for timely facilitation and effective resolution of complaints.
The eGovPH Super App, which is an integrated online platform offering centralized government services, was then presented to members of the Chamber by DICT Undersecretary David L. Almirol.
In his presentation, Almirol showed eGov PH Super App its wide array of services, ranging from business permits and passport applications to job opportunities, healthcare, tourism, emergency services, transportation, eGov cloud and eGov pay.
Almirol also mentioned that the app is currently undergoing updates while DICT is collaborating with various government agencies, both local and national, to enhance the app’s functionality and scope.
The General Membership Meeting was also attended by the Ambassador of Malaysia to the Philippines His Excellency Dato’ Abdul Malik Melvin Castelino Bin Anthony, who is considered the Chamber’s patron, and presentations by EMBM Services’ President and CEO Ma. Cristina L. Oreta, and Mobiva Systems CEO and Founder Wendy Leong, as they shared digital solutions that can empower public service and foster a more connected future.