Lower House expels Negros Oriental Rep. Teves
Lower House expels Negros Oriental Rep. Teves
Lower House expels Negros Oriental Rep. Teves
by Kristan Carag16 August 2023
Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo 'Arnie' Teves Jr. (Photo from the House of Representatives website)

The House of Representatives expelled Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo 'Arnie' Teves Jr. on Wednesday, August 16, from the chamber.

With 265 affirmative votes, zero and three abstentions, the Lower Chamber of Congress adopted Committee Report 717 of the House Committee on Ethics and Privileges.

The lawmakers who abstained were Gabriela Women's party-list Rep. Arlene Brosas, ACT Teachers party-list France Castro, and Kabataan Party-list Rep. Raoul Manuel.

The committee recommended the expulsion of Teves "for disorderly behavior and for violation of the Code of Conduct of the House of Representatives".


The report mentioned that the Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed that Teves sought political asylum in Timor Leste but the country denied the application of the congressman twice.

The committee also cited the resolution of the Anti-Terrorism Council that declared Teves as a terrorist.

"The Committee found that his acts caused dishonor to and tarnished the name and reputation of the House of Representatives," the report read.

Teves has been tagged as the mastermind of the murder of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo last March 4, which also resulted to the deaths of nine other individuals.


The solon, who has denied his involvement in the death of Degamo, went on medical leave in United States starting February 28.

He has yet to return to the Philippines even though the travel authority issued by House Speaker Martin Romualdez expired on March 9.

Prior to his expulsion, the House of Representatives slapped Teves with a 60-day suspension twice.

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