Israeli President meets ambassadors of different countries including PH
Israeli President meets ambassadors of different countries including PH
Israeli President meets ambassadors of different countries including PH
by Mary Antalan03 November 2023
Photo Courtesy: Isaac Herzog | X

Israeli President Isaac Herzog met the ambassadors of different countries, including the Philippines, to discuss the situation of their respective citizens in Israel.

In an X post on Friday, Herzog said the ambassadors of Thailand, Tanzania, Nepal, and the Philippines were included in his talk.

The Israeli President said he specifically selected the ambassadors mentioned because these are countries with many citizens who have been killed or kidnapped in the attacks of the Hamas militant group.

Herzog sympathized with the ambassadors of Thailand, Nepal, and the Philippines.

"I share in their deep sorrow and ask that they convey to their people our deep pain and our concern for the hostages," he said.

The Israeli President told the ambassadors of the mentioned countries that Israel will return their citizens who are trapped in the war in their countries.

"I asked to convey to their families that the State of Israel will do everything to return them as it does for all taken captive," he said.

Based on the current data, four Filipinos were murdered, as were 10 Nepalis, while two Tanzanian nationals are missing.

Thailand lost 23 citizens, and four remain in the hospital, according to the Thai ambassador.

Meanwhile, 29 Thai nationals are currently in Hamas' hands.

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