Israel uses white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon – HRW
Israel uses white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon – HRW
Israel uses white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon – HRW
by Ada Pelonia13 October 2023

An International organization advocating on human rights on Friday, Oct. 13 said Israel is using white phosphorus for its attacks in Gaza and Lebanon.

Human Rights Watch made the confirmation following videos uploaded online showing a thick, white smoke in the air.

“The use of white phosphorus in Gaza, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, magnifies the risk to civilians and violates the international humanitarian law prohibition on putting civilians at unnecessary risk,” it said in a statement.

Human Rights Watch stated that the substance can cause severe burns on people and could set infrastructures on fire.

“Upon contact, white phosphorus can burn people, thermally and chemically, down to the bone as it is highly soluble in fat and therefore in human flesh,” the human rights organization added.

According to The Washington Post report, Palestine officials confirmed that over 1,500 people in Gaza have died with 6,600 injured.

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