For the seventh straight year, Finland has been hailed as the world's happiest country by the annual UN-sponsored World Happiness Report.
Released on Wednesday, the annual World Happiness Report ranks self-reported happiness scores for nearly 150,000 people in over 140 countries.
In an interview, John Helliwell, founding editor of the World Happiness Report, said that many residents in Finland were raised to act prosocially, which translates to "wallets being returned if they’re dropped in the street [and] people helping each other day in and day out."
Finland is also keen on cultivating positive workplaces and values work-life balance, he added.
Other Nordic countries also kept their places among the 10 most cheerful, with Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden trailing Finland.
The Philippines, meanwhile, improved its ranking from its previous 76th to 53rd.
The happiness ranking is based on individuals’ self-assessed evaluations of life satisfaction, as well as GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and corruption.
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