DZRH Radio Drama legends vow not to disappear on air
DZRH Radio Drama legends vow not to disappear on air
DZRH Radio Drama legends vow not to disappear on air
by DZRH News25 October 2023

Part of the rise of radio as a mainstream media after World War II was the entertainment produced by radio stations, such as radio dramas.

DZRH, as the oldest radio station in the Philippines, has been remarkable in making brilliant stories for radio dramas up until this day, but together with the long-span airing of DZRH radio dramas are voice actors and actresses behind it.

Phil Cruz, 64, a voice actor and technician producing shows, is one of the legends of DZRH radio dramas since 1979. During those times, DZRH aired 18 drama programs over nine hours a day in stiff competition with other broadcasters.

Many longtime listeners, including retirees, farmers, factory workers, taxi drivers, and even listeners in provinces, are tuning in to DZRH to catch the latest episode of their favorite horror story or drama.


Some of the programs are "Night of Horror", “You’re My Only Life”, “This Is Our Life" and “The Promise of Tomorrow”.

Through the sound effects produced by Gerry Mutia, DZRH listeners are able to visualize the story through listening.

According to Mutia, he still prefers the old ways rather than computer-generated sound effects.

Another voice actress is Rosanna Villegas, 63, who also followed her father's footsteps in voice acting.


“It’s a means of entertainment, which comes on top of what they watch on TV or the movies,” she said.

Meanwhile, long-time listeners have expressed their sadness if the most-awaited episodes of their favorite radio dramas disappear.

Cruz, however, is assured that the radio dramas will still be on air as they target new generations of listeners.

“We have a varied audience, but it’s true that many of them are also growing old,” said Cruz.


“We need to produce material targeting younger people," he added.

Moreover, Villegas is certain that radio dramas will survive.

“For me, radio is forever,” she said.

“It will not disappear because it has such a wide audience," she added.


Currently, DZRH has emerged and is reaching out to its audiences through different social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and X (former Twitter).

(Reporting by: Agence France-Presse)

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