The Department of Health (DOH) ordered the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) to implement stricter quarantine protocols for travelers from China.
"To strengthen its existing measures, the DOH directed the BOQ to intensify quarantine protocols such as heightened surveillance on all respiratory symptoms in all travelers and conveyances coming from China," the DOH said pertaining to another COVID-19 wave that occurred in the country.
BOQ was advised to immediately report positive cases and monitor the Maritime Declaration of Health and Aircraft General Declaration.
Meanwhile, the DOH said that border control is under discussion with the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF).
"The IATF will discuss the guidelines on how to deal with the COVID-19 resurgence in China, including our border control for Chinese travelers to the country, for recommendation and approval of the President," the agency added.
Other countries have also taken action and implemented strict COVID-19 monitoring and protocols including the United States, Italy, Japan, India, and Malaysia.