MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) expressed “grave concern” over the incident that occurred in the Ayungin Shoal during a humanitarian mission to BRP Sierra Madre last Monday, June 17, 2024.
In its official statement, DFA “denounced” the illegal and aggressive actions of Chinese authorities that resulted in personnel injury and vessel damage.
The National Security Council (NSC) earlier confirmed China coast guard and maritime militia engaged in what it called “dangerous maneuvers”, including “ramming and towing”, which put the lives of the personnel at risk and damage to the Philippine Coast Guard’s vessels.
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) already confirmed on Tuesday, that a Philippine Navy personnel sustained “severe injury” following the incident but has already been safely evacuated and received prompt medical treatment.
The diplomatic community has also expressed its concern and condemned China’s actions, including “ramming” and “towing” of Philippine vessels undergoing a resupply mission in Ayungin Shoal.
Courtesy of Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
Meanwhile, the DFA reiterated the Philippines’ commitment to pursue peace and is exerting efforts to rebuild a conducive environment for dialogue and consultation with China regarding the South China Sea issue.
However, the DFA said that “this cannot be achieved if China’s words do not match their actions on the waters.”
“We expect China to act sincerely and responsibly, and refrain from behaviour that puts to risk the safety of personnel and vessels,” the DFA continues.
DFA reiterated its call for China to adhere to international law, especially UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award, and respect the Philippines’ sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in its own waters.