DENR coordinates with Batangas LGUs on effects of Taal vog
DENR coordinates with Batangas LGUs on effects of Taal vog
DENR coordinates with Batangas LGUs on effects of Taal vog
by Daylight Abas24 September 2023

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is carefully coordinating with the local government units (LGUs) of Batangas on the effects of the volcanic smog from Taal Volcano.

In an interview with DZRH, Environment Undersecretary Mitch Cuna explained that the Batangas Inter-Agency Disaster Risk Management Council (IADRMC) will continue its monitoring to warn the public about the effects on their health of the volcanic smog or vog.

Cuna said the rain in the last few days helped in reducing pollutants, but the residents of Batangas and nearby areas are still advised to wear facemasks for their protection.

He said that the DENR needs more funds to upgrade the monitoring stations to also provide the public with regular updates on the air weather in Metro Manila and other parts of the country

The DENR’s proposed budget is more than P24 billion pesos in 2024.

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