The Commission on Election (Comelec) has affirmed the decision to disqualify Gerardo 'Jerry' Noveras as a vice-gubernatorial candidate in Aurora province in the 2022 National and Local Elections (NLE).
In a press release, Comelec spokesperson Rex Laudiangco said the Comelec en banc assailed the decision of Comelec First Division ordering Noveras' disqualification by junking his motion of reconsideration.
"As to the material allegation that Noveras committed acts in violation of Section 261(e) of the Omnibus Election Code, the Comelec en banc ruled that he can be disqualified pursuant to Section 68 thereof "for the commission of a fraudulent scheme in indirectly compelling Mr. Tecuico to perform acts beyond the scope of his in furtherance of his candidacy," he said.
"The Comelec en banc emphasized that the indirect acts of Tecuico can be directly imputed to Noveras, since "[t]he clear language of Section 261(e) of the OEC states that the prohibited act need to be proved to be undertaken by Respondent directly," Laudiangco added.
In July, the Comelec First Division ordered Noveras' disqualification after it found out that he indeed took advantage of his position as the province's former governor by coercing Michael Tecuico, a casual plantilla worker, to print his tarpaulin using the provincial government's equipment.
Noveras committed the said acts for his personal interest and the benefit of his campaign in the NLE 2022.