53 percent of Filipinos approve ICC drug war probe – SWS
53 percent of Filipinos approve ICC drug war probe – SWS
53 percent of Filipinos approve ICC drug war probe – SWS
by Ada Pelonia21 February 2024

Fifty-three percent of Filipinos agree that the government should cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in investigating the drug-related killings that allegedly occurred during former President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration, a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey released Tuesday, February 20, showed.

The survey conducted from December 8 to 11, 2023 revealed that the majority of Filipinos are in favor of the ICC probe, leading to an increase from the 45 percent result last March.

Meanwhile, the SWS polls showed that those with knowledge about the ICC probe increased, with Metro Manila receiving the highest rate at 56 percent and Visayas at 51 percent. Balance Luzon trailed behind at 42 percent and Mindanao at 33 percent.

The non-commissioned survey was conducted through in-person interviews with 1,200 adults.

Another polling firm OCTA Research also revealed on Sunday that the majority of Filipinos approved of the government cooperating with the ICC drug war probe.

The OCTA polls showed that 55 percent of Filipinos want the current government to work with ICC with 59 percent in favor of the country rejoining as a party to the court.

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